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Internal body cavity, with digestive tube and mouth.
At this point gastrulation is complete, and the gastrula has a functional digestive tube.
There is also a complete digestive tube.
The darker color is due to the presence of a pigment (hemozoin) in its digestive tube.
The developing digestive tube of an embryo forms as a blind pouch called the archenteron.
It is the only truly autonomous part of the ANS and the digestive tube can function surprisingly well even in isolation.
The digestive tube begins at the anterior extremity of the worm, at the bottom of the oral sucker.
Freud did not emphasize relational capacity in the pre-Oedipal period because he focused on the eroticization of the two ends of the digestive tube.
The digestive tube is composed of an esophagus which divides in two branches (right and left) and that reunite in a single cecum.
In pitcher plants, the peristome is a reflexed ring (or partial ring) of tissue that surrounds the entrance to the digestive tube in these plants.
At the point of constriction where the primitive digestive tube of the embryo joins the yolk sac a reflection or folding upward of the somatopleure takes place.
Esophageal atresia is a condition in which the patient is born with an abnormality in the part of the digestive tube that runs from below the tongue to the stomach (esophagus).
Ectosymbiosis is symbiosis in which the symbiont lives on the body surface of the host, including internal surfaces such as the lining of the digestive tube and the ducts of glands.
Far from needing to be convinced, the report states, most French people it polled already consider wine a food, if it is defined as "a substance with nutritive components absorbed by the digestive tube."
A portion of the hepatic diverticulum (that region closest to the digestive tube) continues to function as the drainage duct of the liver, and a branch from this duct produces the gallbladder.
Ridges apparently produced by the channelling of sediment in digestive tubes seem to indicate that the trackways do indeed represent feeding traces; the sedimentary disturbance expected of tumbling-induced impressions is not observed.
At the end of the fourth week the yolk sac presents the appearance of a small pear-shaped vesicle (umbilical vesicle) opening into the digestive tube by a long narrow tube, the vitelline duct.
Enteric ganglia, which as their name implies innervate the digestive tube, are located inside its walls and collectively contain as many neurons as the entire spinal cord, including local sensory neurons, motor neurons and interneurons.
What little food he ate was regurgitated as soon as it reached his stomach, but even when his digestive tubes had been emptied, he continued to groan and heave in such an alarming fashion, his shipmates began to think he was trying to turn himself inside out.
After the coalescence of the neural folds over the anterior end of the primitive streak, the blastopore no longer opens on the surface but into the closed canal of the neural tube, and thus a transitory communication, the neurenteric canal, is established between the neural tube and the primitive digestive tube.