Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
On the third there was dickering for television rights at the field.
Because I want to know who you're dickering with, and get some other facts from you.
They dickered for a moment over the new gear he wanted.
He and his sons have been dickering for more than a year with the owner of space they want.
Afterwards we got down to dickering about the terms of my contract.
I've never known Ed to be generous or trade without dickering.
"And he's dickering with the Russians to get it back."
"I have a friend who it dickering with the Japanese outside of town.
I dickered for each and every one of the things in that valise!
Once he saw Henry, dickering with a man who had goats to sell.
While they dickered, the buildings decayed and nothing was done.
"In all the times and places we've visited, dickering over small business transactions seems to be about the same."
I grinned and set to dickering for the extra passage.
I dickered with a couple of fishermen but none was willing to take me out at that time.
"Instead of dickering over how bad the problem is, we need quick solutions.
One of the Beatles is dickering for the apartment right next door!"
He was always dickering to buy out this joint as a brass shop.
The Administration and Congress are still dickering over emergency aid.
"That is why you were seen in the marketplace dickering with a horse merchant."
A priest dickered with a fat farmer over a mule.
We dickered over the price, and he gave me directions and a time to show up.
He was dickering even then to sell over a thousand of his suburban acres.
Not long later he was dickering with a boatman named Michael, who refused to give a last name.
He finally dickered them down to nine hundred euros but not a penny less.