In the car they found a diary detailing his escape and subsequent activities, as well as a large amount of cash and other stolen goods.
During the day, spouses were asked to keep diaries detailing how they were getting along.
A confessional diary detailing the promiscuous life of a Victorian gentleman living in rural Wales 150 years ago has been published.
It's later revealed that the daughter had kept a diary detailing her repeated rape by her father and when she refused further advances, he killed her.
Some report that they have started to keep diaries detailing the hours they have devoted to legislative work and the time spent on political campaigns.
She keeps a diary detailing the lives of those around her, particularly Anna, trying to understand the key to people she thinks she is missing.
All kept weeklong diaries detailing their interactions and the lies they told.
Eventually Unruh became paranoid about his neighbors and started to keep a diary detailing everything he thought was said about him.
No diary detailing secret activities.
In Crooked House, the killer has left a diary detailing the killings and the reasons.