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Prof had been tried for deviationism and was under house arrest.
They cannot allow deviationism to grow on their doorstep.
We are not going to tolerate this deviationism."
Accusations of deviationism often led to purges.
Years later, in 1976, the so-called Gang of Four would strike out against "rightist deviationism".
In business, it means "conform or else," and among political-party disciplinarians, "eschew deviationism."
"What they called it was 'left-wing, right-wing zigzag deviationism,' if you can imagine that.
Forms of deviationism included revisionism, dogmatism, bourgeois nationalism, and rootless cosmopolitanism.
Maoist deviationism inspired students and other young people who looked to the Chinese Red Guards as a model of activism.
"National deviationism" vs. "Great Russian nationalism"
He returned convinced by Trotsky's arguments and was expelled from the Communist Party in 1928 for deviationism.
In Stalinism, deviationism is an expressed belief which is not in accordance with official party doctrine for the time and area.
Reversing the party line adopted after the "turmoils" of 1989, the politburo decided that "left deviationism" was a greater threat than that of the right.
It warned against 'sectarianism' and 'leftist' and 'rightist deviationism'.
Uthman accused al-Radi of rightist deviationism and had him expelled from the Central Committee.
Between August 1952 and June 1953, 19,000 UTM members and activists were excluded for "right-wing deviationism".
With the "fundis" watching his every step for "right-wing deviationism," Fischer still felt constrained to drape his pro-Western sentiments in the conditional.
Accused of right-wing deviationism, he was arrested on 27 July 1937, sentenced to death on 29 October and shot on 30 October 1937.
Though Luntz has been guilty of occasional flashes of deviationism over the years, you'd expect him to toe the party line when the Nation's Future is at stake.
In the years preceding his election, Papandreou had purged hundreds of PASOK members from the movement on grounds of "deviationism."
Natasha's bunk held a selection of pamphlets like 'Understanding the Consequences of Social Democratic Deviationism' and 'Towards a Cleaner Complexion'.
Between 1958 and 1960, Tismăneanu was investigated for "revisionist-type deviationism" (deviaţionism de tip revizionist), the inquiry ending with him being expelled from the Party in 1960.
Together with Pauker and Luca, Georgescu was purged at the plenum of May 26-27, 1952, simultaneously accused of left-wing and right-wing deviationism.
After the war, in the summer of 1948 he was expelled from the Communist Party for "Titoist deviationism" and subsequently spent some time in Yugoslavia as a volunteer in a "youth work brigade".
These Antis and their fellow conspirators confess to everything, sabotage, spying, counter-Martinism, imperialist plotting, terrorism, degenerate bourgeois democracy, deviationism, Talmudism, homeless cosmopolitanism, troglodytism, Aristotelianism, and so on.