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They set him on a course from which he has never deviated for long.
You have to believe it, and not deviate at all.
But he is going to deviate from the way it was.
It's something we have sort of deviated from the last year or so.
If we deviate from that, we're going to have problems.
They sometimes deviated from the Way, but never this far north or south.
Sometimes you had to deviate from the plan, that's all.
Deviate from what we ask, and you will never see your daughter again.
In particular those who deviate from society's values must be brought back into line.
You cannot cause the Mass to deviate from its course.
For the rest of the weekend, they did not deviate from their plan.
If you deviate by more than a few percent in course or speed, you're dead.
"There is much less room for deviating from best practice," he said.
Only at the end of his delivery did he deviate.
Still the man came toward him, not deviating from his path.
He felt it was deviating too much from his style.
As a result, prices can deviate from their full information values.
However, in so doing, you would deviate from standard conditions.
Teachers, especially in the early grades, are not to deviate from the program.
But once the situation on the ground deviated from their expectations they were lost.
There are a few ways for either side to deviate from the moves given above.
One should however keep in mind the real risk run by deviating opinion.
It also deviates up to about one or two days in the short term.
They could stop the work any time it deviated from the records, right up to the end.
The approach had served her well in the past, and she saw no reason to deviate from it now.