Traffic police also impose fines and detain individuals riding on the roof of buses.
One of us, for example, went "left" in ultimately deciding that more rigorous standards were needed for detaining individuals based on undisclosed information.
The group argues that the law, which allows security to detain individuals for as many as two years "without presenting charges, violating prisoners' human rights".
What happens when the police do detain such individuals?
Already, the government says it is drafting a new law on terrorism that could be used to detain individuals for 60 days without charges.
Police do not need to show probable cause in order to stop, question, or detain individuals.
At all other times, it has remained a critical check on the executive, ensuring that it does not detain individuals except in accordance with law.
Iraqi military personnel may confiscate equipment and temporarily detain individuals taking unauthorized photographs.
The decision to detain individuals is made on the basis of detailed and compelling evidence.
That same year, the government passed the Public Order Act, giving the police the power to detain and restrict individuals without trial.