We design the software and processes that streamline the operations of giant retail chains and global high-tech manufacturers.
The bulk of time should be spent on defining user requirements and designing new processes.
This may be achieved by designing processes more efficiently, increasing recycling and establishing markets for secondary materials.
Flowcharts are used in designing and documenting complex processes or programs.
The goal was to use more machines, fewer people, and to design processes so that the people were interchangeable, low cost and easily replaced.
The business of designing machines, processes and systems can be pursued more or less independently of the properties of people.
The stamp designing, engraving and printing processes, when well done, can result in miniature works of art.
When designing processes for the food industry the following performance parameters may be taken into account:
But companies not using the equipment properly nor designing safe processes could pose hazards for their workers.
Several oil refiners have asked Honeywell to design processes that can save a few cents a barrel.