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Desertification is a major economic, social and environmental problem in many countries.
In addition to this there is climate change and desertification.
Ground water levels fell, and desertification became a serious threat.
Desertification is not a modern problem; it has been with us for decades.
This is the case with desertification: the history books are full of lessons which we must learn in time.
The result is a mounting problem of desertification throughout the region.
Drought, like desertification, is also a serious cause for concern.
He said that, this project will start desertification in Bangladesh.
Special attention must be given to areas under desertification.
Otherwise we should be running the risk of abandonment and desertification.
Inland erosion and desertification again come down to the use of our land.
I am, however, quite sceptical about the subject of desertification.
Unfortunately, an area undergoing desertification only comes to the public's attention once the process is well under way.
Government reports have made similar findings, although they are not usually expressed in terms of desertification.
If these practices continue at the current rate, desertification maybe unavoidable.
Where wood is already limited, its collection leads to desertification.
Both areas face rapid desertification and increasing demands for water.
I think that everything is known about desertification, but very little action is being taken.
Nearly one-fifth of the world's land is threatened with desertification.
Desertification is the expansion of desert into the surrounding areas.
The Year's research themes are deserts and especially the problem of desertification.
Science and civil society in the fight against desertification.
Such a desertification effect is currently being demonstrated in certain regions of China.
Soil degradation and desertification are the main causes of environmental problems.
It is all the more discriminatory because these two areas of production are those most responsible for desertification.