Brown, of course, was about so much more than school desegregation.
During the 1960s, she moved to Mississippi to support public school desegregation.
You could fill a phone booth with the people, black or white, who think school desegregation is important.
At first glance the result, in a city where blacks make up less than 10 percent of the population, seems a vote against school desegregation.
We live in an era now where school desegregation is all but done.
The regional plans may yet serve as a framework for future school desegregation, he said.
As a result, the Wimbishes developed a new political approach to school desegregation.
In recent months we released our long-awaited report on school desegregation.
The ruling today was the latest in more than a decade of litigation here over school desegregation.
The Advocate's office had pursued a number of controversial issues over the years, including school desegregation.