Rigid and inadequate salary structures have created serious problems in nearly all areas of county government, several department administrators said.
"I regret that I could not give you more notice," Judge Leuba wrote to other judicial department administrators.
Both officers appealed, stating to investigators that they spoke to department administrators before submitting the degrees to verify that they qualified for the incentive program.
The department administrator, John Tirinzonie, noted that employers completely booked all but one of those fairs, with 82 at the Danbury fair alone.
The administrative staff is led by a department administrator, and consists of a total of 6 secretaries.
Those in large practices tend to specialize in a particular area, under the supervision of department administrators.
In the spring of 2004, during his freshman year, he pointed out a security flaw on the computer science department's website to department administrators, offering to fix it.
Terence Davidson, 48, has been the department administrator for the hospital unit since October 1995.
Galen Hall is the new offensive coordinator, replacing Fran Ganter, who has become an athletic department administrator in charge of football.
Two years later, she became the department administrator at Barclay's Bank.