Within moments, we spied him, tall, looking like a London banker, lounging by the delicatessen counter.
For a more serious snack, aficionados make time to study the delicatessen counter before ordering.
In the United Kingdom, vegetable tikki is available from delicatessen counters at various shops.
You'll find plenty of inspiration for nibbles and starters at the delicatessen counter of a good supermarket.
In England, it is commonly sold on a delicatessen counter.
People were pouring in from the street, forming queues at the delicatessen counter and at the cash-desk.
Then there was the woman who served behind the delicatessen counter at Alien's Corners supermarket.
The fish is garnished with zucchini and Calamata olives, available at the delicatessen counters of most larger supermarkets.
In 2010, the business doubled in size after an £8,000 refit, adding a kitchen and a delicatessen counter.
Get some sliced meat or cheese from the delicatessen counter and eat it up, making sure to ditch the wrapper.