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The Cook Strait giant weta is nocturnal and feeds on the aerial parts of plants.
Giant weta are endemic to New Zealand and are examples of island gigantism.
A number of animals prey on the Cook Strait giant weta, including birds and reptiles such as the tuatara.
Deinacrida parva or Kaikoura giant weta is a species of insect in family Anostostomatidae.
The largest species of giant weta is the Little Barrier Island weta, also known as the wetapunga.
On the North Island, they encounter other New Zealand rarities such as the kiwi and giant weta.
In April 2012, in order to increase their numbers, up to 100 Mahoenui giant weta were introduced into the Maungatautari ecological area.
There are eleven species of giant weta, most of which are larger than other weta, despite the latter already being large by insect standards.
The Māori word for the giant weta is wētā punga (lumpy or jointed weta).
Giant weta are several species of weta in the genus Deinacrida of the family Anostostomatidae.
Owing to its solitary and nomadic lifestyle, the Cook Strait giant weta's reproduction relies upon the male locating a receptive female.
Prominent members includes the Parktown prawn of South Africa, and the giant weta of New Zealand.
Deinacrida heteracantha, also known as the Little Barrier Island giant weta, is a species of insect in the family Anostostomatidae that has no wings.
In addition, on Mana Island, the removal of cattle and eradication of mice has dramatically increased the Cook Strait giant weta's abundance.
Some genera are primarily predators or scavenger, whilst others - notably the so-called tree weta Hemideina and their close relatives the giant weta Deinacrida - can bite.
Bug World, the zoo's collection of invertebrates (animals without a backbone), includes invertebrates such as Lesser Antilles hercules beetle, mole cricket and Poor Knights' giant weta.
It takes most of the Cook Strait giant weta's two-year lifespan to reach the full adult size, with growth taking place in a series of about nine moults over a 12- to 18-month period.
Lizards - Skink and Gecko, Invertebrates - namely the Giant Weta, and the New Zealand Glow Worm (Arachnocampa Luminosa) etc.
The largest of these is the Little Barrier Island giant weta (Deinacrida heteracantha), the largest specimen was weighed at 71.3 g (2.52 oz), one of the largest insects weights ever known.
The Cook Strait giant weta is found only in New Zealand, on the islands of the North, South and Middle Trio, Stephens, Maud, Matiu/Somes and Mana.
Notable species on the island include the Cook Strait Giant Weta, Shore Plover, North Island Robin, Takahe, Wellington Green Gecko, Yellow-crowned Parakeet, and Brown Teal.
As a defence against predators the Cook Strait giant weta will raise its spiked legs over its head and wave them up and down while making a hissing sound by rapidly rubbing together the overlapping plates on its upper body.
Major productions such as James Cameron's Avatar and the 2007 summer blockbuster The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep are also utilising Jackson's Wellington studios and enlisting special effects giant Weta Digital.
By using a specially designed fence to exclude mammalian predators, the sanctuary hopes to re-establish an environment similar to that which existed on New Zealand before the arrival of humans, where species such as the Cook Strait giant weta can thrive once more.
With the success of these introductions, the New Zealand Department of Conservation plans to continue to introduce the Cook Strait giant weta to new island habitats, while ensuring that its existing island habitats remain protected against the threat of predator invasion.