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Often, he said, parents can do little to help their children because they have become dehumanized themselves.
Having high status makes one more likely to dehumanize others.
They are intended to dehumanize a whole group of people.
He had dehumanized me, and I began to respond in kind.
He's dehumanized us, so we by turns do the same.
Then we dehumanize him as a dog or an animal.
Q. Do you think that medical schools are dehumanizing their students?
Combat dehumanizes, in its destruction of both life and hope.
But for difficult cases he finds it limiting and dehumanizing.
He dehumanizes the world outside the bounds of his outfit.
Or has she simply dehumanized men to the same extent as those companies that send out the form letters?
By now, I'd dehumanized the people I was up against.
More than any other this job dehumanized a man.
Have we become so dehumanized that violence is now tolerated as part of our daily life?
We live in a society that has become dehumanized.
Dehumanizing the other guy is the first step in training soldiers and fighting wars.
The psychological distance women may feel from their bodies might cause them to dehumanize themselves.
"Everyone was dehumanized by the act of violence that occurred," one student told the crowd.
A war cannot be fought successfully without dehumanizing the enemy.
"We executed 54 people last year, and now we're dehumanizing them.
"We wanted to come up with an officiating aid without dehumanizing the game," he said.
In other words, how are people dehumanized by these expressions of hate?"
The film tells the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to fail and be dehumanized.
"We have had our people punished, dehumanized, portrayed as animals."
The use of torture dehumanizes the society that tolerates it.
Well, let me spell it out: You cannot dehumanise a lizard.
Social tools can help us but then also hinder us, they dehumanise what we do.
Christian scriptures were used as part of the process to enslave and dehumanise Africans.
About how they weren't necessarily that interested in information, simply wanted to torture you for its own sake, to break and dehumanise you.
Edgy white editors, head swimming with editorial possibilities will dehumanise you with image and prose.
But the 'order' was apparently a forgery, which helped to dehumanise the Jacobite troops and perpetuate their image as savages.
It's realism, or a sort of hyperrealism, but actually the humbrol paint, to me, acts to dehumanise the landscape.
The purpose of these camps was to systematically dehumanise these "unwanted elements", use them where possible, and dispose of them efficiently.
Feminist philosopher Catharine MacKinnon has argued that many contemporary practices would be deemed immoral by Kant's standards because they dehumanise women.
Furthermore, due to the strong different cultural identities led to hardened beliefs of 'us' and 'them' making it easier to dehumanise the Tutsis making mass murder plausible.
Racism and sexism are not the worst things we do to each other, though I would agree that they can be part of the mechanism whereby we dehumanise others on the path to doing far worse.
Most multi-nationals employ hundreds of thousands of people, and their decision making is complex - if you dehumanise corporations, you dehumanise a vast proportion of "the 99%"
The one thing I am mainly dismayed about is we have a PM who is supposed to have some experience of disability and is happy for his ministers to spin and dehumanise them.
Hartung has claimed that major religious moral codes can lead to "us vs. them" group solidarity and mentality which can dehumanise or demonise individuals outside their group as "not fully human", or less worthy.
Helmets allowed both gladiators and spectators to dehumanise the fighters; when an arena combatant had to kill a comrade-at-arms, someone he probably lived and trained with every day, his opponent's helmet added an extra layer of separation.
If, on the other hand, Christianity helps Africans to stand (against) the natural, social, economic and political forces that continue to dehumanise them, and if it facilitates their total liberation, then the Christian missionary enterprise of the future will be an improvement on the failures of the past.