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They'd put too much of their power into him though, and he defied them.
He defies anyone to say these things did not happen.
Because if you defy me, that will be on your own head.
For a moment it seemed the boy might defy him.
"He would defy both his father and the king for you."
I could defy it then no more than ever before.
Defying him to tell her why they were really here.
There was an old woman who defied death for years.
As for himself, he had never thought of defying the King before.
She'd been known to put her life on the line to defy it.
She'd gone her own way and defied them to do anything about it.
There was no way he could defy his father over such an important matter.
He thought it would probably be a long time before she ever defied him again.
With it I was able to defy the whole world, and especially my friends.
So many things he'd done in his life had been to defy him, he could see that now.
That is why he cannot be allowed to defy me.
But the problem which was now before him defied analysis.
But now, if society had turned on her, she would defy it.
He did not want to come straight out and defy a god.
I defy anyone to find better shot television than that.
Even so, there were still those who took the risk and defied him.
And it seemed likely, at first, that the old man was going to defy them all.
Some of them had even been ready to defy any possible attack from space.
Everyone should visit and I defy you to leave in under an hour.
You cannot defy our authority, said a small voice in the back of my head.