Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He looked like someone had let the air out and deflated him.
Even that does not seem to have deflated his sense of hope.
"I had a great time deflating him once in a while."
With that, I felt something in my body let go and deflate.
However, he turns back into his true form and deflates.
He is right to deflate the current state of search.
Instead, they were deflated and shot as if the ball was that way also.
If he saw his mother again, it might deflate her importance.
But now it almost seemed as if he were deflating slightly.
Those young people should be encouraged to go on, not deflated.
I turned around at the far end and started back, oddly deflated.
That's essentially the job, to make sure your parents are deflated.
When told of the strike's end, they are both deflated.
Snow has had to do a lot of deflating since coming on board.
And their response had to be deflating: this is not enough, they said.
"If you've lost for a lot of years together, after a while it deflates you."
The point deflated Williams, who won just one game in the first set after that.
The thought of cycling home the way I felt left me deflated.
In person, he goes a long way toward deflating some of the myths.
And the Kings, playing their second game in 24 hours, deflated.
I turned to Claire and felt the life deflate out of me.
Each side was working hard to deflate the other party's most potent political issue.
Elizabeth had expected any answer but that one and she felt, deflated.
His chest deflated, and he pulled himself all the way through.
Using the word we just completely deflated any argument you may have had.