She will teach courses on science and medical writing, community journalism in the digital age, and the history of medical attempts to define gender.
Both cases applied the United Kingdom case of Corbett v Corbett in defining legal gender.
How does having children define gender?
Cognitive development theory argues that children are active in defining gender and behaving in ways that reflect their perceptions of gender roles.
In certain cases, however, there is a word part that defines gender, although it is not defined as a suffix.
The plan, if passed, would have put New York at the forefront of a movement to eliminate anatomical considerations when defining gender.
For a second, her fierce intensity goes beyond the confines of literature and seems to dare us, presumably so sure of our definitions, to define gender.
Even as the medical establishment was trying to define gender through surgery, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists contended that transsexuality and transvestitism resulted from psychological conditions.