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For the real thing I'd suggest heading down in a deep-diving research submarine.
We have a ship taking a deep-diving research sub down to look for the wreckage.
All the deep-diving studies show that women are superior for submerged operations.
All the while, the pair also advanced the state of tiny deep-diving submarines.
Somebody track down some deep-diving gear for me, fast!
His vast knowledge of national security issues and skills as a deep-diving reporter will prove to be powerful assets on our team.
Deep-diving species such as elephant seals have blood volumes that make up to 20% of their body weight.
There they are being trained to take long dives in the open ocean and film deep-diving marine life.
There have also been proposals for deep-diving submarines constructed of concrete.
The French government has sent a research vessel carrying a deep-diving submersible to where the debris was found.
A French research vessel carrying a deep-diving submersible is expected to reach the search site before the end of the weekend.
He and other Soviet scientists explored it in a Canadian deep-diving craft.
The advent of deep-diving robots and manned submersibles has changed all that.
It called for new deep-diving robots as well as piloted craft.
Deep-diving mammals face a number of challenges related to extended breath holding and hydrostatic pressure.
Humaytá was ordered by the Brazilian navy as a deep-diving submarine.
"Our study suggests that these fish are available to albatrosses, in part, through interaction with deep-diving marine mammals."
James Cameron's deep-diving team has been keeping busy.
This deep-diving family of toothed whales are the least well-known cetaceans.
Nadia had been much more entertaining: witty, pretty, and eager to explain her deep-diving baby.
Those deep-diving whales are especially affected by those frequencies.
“Now with these deep-diving robots and some of the technology we are developing, the potential is there for unlocking those secrets.
A combination of skirted lures and deep-diving minnows accounted the fish.