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How far stone was used decoratively is hard to judge.
Also, the cones can be dried in the fall and used decoratively.
True, some of the books are arranged decoratively here.
The ceiling was flat and of wood, simple but decoratively finished.
It will be folded decoratively around the waist while dancing.
There is still the use of the horseshoe arch, at least decoratively.
The blade would usually be decoratively etched on both sides.
In "10 on Ten," the numbers are used decoratively, perhaps even sentimentally.
There is nothing sappy or decoratively sentimental about these sisters.
Arrange the banana slices evenly and decoratively over the top.
When using eyelets for crafting, they are generally used decoratively.
That did not mean much direct mirroring of the music, structurally or decoratively.
Mound the remaining whipped cream on top, swirling it decoratively.
Roll the dough in, down to the level of the filling, and crimp decoratively.
Model sailing ships were fashioned and anchored decoratively in the lake.
You can also use it decoratively, making the contrast or waste yarn a part of your pattern design.
Arrange decoratively on a serving platter, and keep warm.
The church is very light because of the large, decoratively traceried windows.
It was decoratively bound and came in a slipcase.
Pottery Barn has a selection of small mirrors that can be grouped decoratively.
Decoratively the station's main theme is an aviation inspired "high-tech" design.
Other decorative features were also applied to exterior of this house including a decoratively carved front porch.
This brief rhyme is decoratively embedded in a purely Hebrew text.
One of the harem helped arrange her hair decoratively over her shoulder.
She was leaning decoratively near the white fireplace.