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Many more simply took a death drop off the side of the tall bridge.
Hopefully their half-hearted attempt at a death drop wasn’t factored into that.
A "Death Drop" must attain a position in the air that is at least parallel to the ice surface.
Also, when the back-sit is entered through a jump it is known as a death drop.
Death Drop is a maze of sorts; this course has various paths which have a huge impact on laptime.
Brian Boitano was known for his death drop.
It looks like a burning death drop.
Flying insects perform death drops when they sense a bat's sonar clicks.
Death Drop: From cuddle position, with a circus grip.
The double flapjack is usually used when associating with tag-teams to perform a Death Drop.
Death Drop (Diving seated senton to a standing opponent)
When performed by Sting, the move is referred to as the Scorpion Death Drop.
Managed to escape the morning injury free minus a few friction burns and holes in clothing thanks to the infamous death drops of varying degrees.
As soon as they get in the ring, Sting hits the Death Drop for the pinfall and the win.
His techniques are Death Sword and Death Drop.
Flying spins include the flying camel, flying sit spin, death drop, and butterfly spin.
They called it the death drop, in the Highlands; the sound of dripping water, heard in a house when one of the inhabitants was about to die.
The team also trademarked the terms "Deadly Brothers" and "Deadly Death Drop".
Unfortunately for Farmer, this usually led to the real Sting attacking him and getting laid out with the Scorpion Death Drop.
Fall - injuries range from broken bones and abrasions to permanent disability or death Drop objects on other workers resulting in injuries or death.
The Eighth Deadly (Death Drop)
Diamond Death Drop (Crucifix powerbomb)
Bajan Death Drop (Fireman's carry cutter)
Afterwards, Sting attacked Roode and dropped him on the entrance ramp with a Scorpion Death Drop.