Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
There will, of course, be auto manufacturers that even a decade from now are still working through the traditional dealer system.
Over all, we think that the specialist system did a better job than any dealer system in this country.
Nasdaq uses competitive market makers in a dealer system.
Nasdaq uses a dealer system, in which competing brokers, called market-makers, buy and sell stock for their own accounts.
For example, the proposal calls for negotiations on foreign car sales in Japan that would include structural issues like the Japanese car dealer system.
Nasdaq's quiet, computer-driven dealer system once appeared destined to replace the bevy of screaming brokers on auction market floors.
However tests and audits of the following are not performed: systems security, game evaluations, game payout calculations, live dealer systems, and segmented player funds.
The primary dealer system was established by the FRBNY in 1960 and began with 18 primary dealers.
Fiat has not begun setting up a dealer system in Poland, but it and other auto makers have rushed to establish networks in fast-changing East Germany.
European business development director Peter Field claims Kalamazoo is the UK's market leader for motor dealer systems, with about 2,000 customers and a market share of more than 50%.
After becoming Chrysler's president in 1961, Mr. Townsend was credited with strengthening the ailing company by decreasing its overhead expenses, improving its cars and revamping its dealer system.
Ford Canada says the move is part of its effort to simplify the dealer system and eliminate any customer confusion over Ford products, which include Lincolns and Mercurys.
The dealer system was wrong, he told her, and he and two other painters opened a co-operative artists' gallery which, after a lot of talk, they decided to call The Notes from Underground.
In early 2009, Chinese were also banned from dealing in clothes; local traders had complained that the Chinese were using the Specialised Dealer system to engage in general retail sales.
"This fits into the broader movement of eliminating the primary dealer system and gradually eroding their franchise," said Louis v.B. Crandall, chief economist at R. H. Wrightson & Associates.
Two stock trading systems could scarcely be more different than the noisy auction system that the stock exchanges employ and the electronic dealer system that makes up the National Association of Securities Dealers' over-the-counter market.
He represented Renault and American Motors Corporation in resolving the dealer complaints that arose when Renault established a controlling interest in AMC and the two dealer systems were merged.
'Very Close to the Limits' "The dealer system was very close to the limits of what it could stand," said John Lyden, a managing partner of one of the specialist firms, Nick, Lyden & Company.
Alterations to Comptroller of the Currency Notices published at 76 FR56501 CC .210-Bank securities Dealers System; CC .220-Section 914 Tracking System, and CC .600-Consumer Complaint and Inquiry System.