That means that companies that were used to selling through their direct sales forces must now persuade dealers to carry and push their wares.
From time to time, shares which one licensed dealer was pushing got a wee mention in the national press.
Once the scanner knows the value of the down card, the dealer then pushes a button to tell it the value of the face-up card.
The dealer will give you the corresponding amount in chips and will push your money into a locked drop box.
He meant that dealers like to push the price down and the yield up just before the auction.
However, dealers elsewhere resolutely pushed the dollar lower.
On winning inside bets, most dealers will push the winnings to you but leave the original bet in place.
Natural blackjacks are paid 1:1 instead of the standard 3:2, and a dealer hard 22 pushes all player hands except a natural.
In this case the dealer will push the top card upwards and strike the partially exposed second card.
With margins squeezed by competition, dealers are pushing profitable add-ons.