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Later, they needed a daylight saving time to get the most out of summer's long days.
We should go on daylight saving time and stay there.
It will be 80 today, the first day of daylight saving time.
The central government stopped using daylight saving time in 1992.
Under daylight savings time the sun goes down an hour "later".
"But I think that was when we were on daylight savings time, so it might be an hour different."
"So you must totally get off when daylight savings time comes around."
Businesses, however, have daylight saving time down to a system.
However, no daylight saving time has been observed since 1979.
Today, daylight saving time has been adopted by more than one billion people in about 70 countries.
Under these conditions, I think you can see that there would be no point to having daylight savings time.
Daylight savings time is not used at the poles, she said.
Daylight savings time hadn't cut in yet, and dark would fall around six.
Since 1974, after the 1973 oil crisis, daylight saving time has been observed every year.
Daylight saving time was used in the southern summer seasons from 1999 to 2002.
However the next morning, it was nothing more than a Daylight saving time announcement.
Since it was daylight savings time I had at least ten plus hours to wait.
When daylight saving time comes along, it even changes the hour automatically.
When you start there, you'll never understand daylight saving time."
The bill will extend daylight saving time, beginning in 2007, by four weeks, to save energy.
"Daylight savings time" has no effect on how long the sun shines.
The act also established daylight saving time, itself a contentious idea.
Click here for a list of sites with more daylight saving time information.
Daylight saving time is, after all, a relatively modern invention.
We had to go to school in the dark because the whole country went on daylight saving time to save power."
So in the summer time they had all set out for America.
After that summer time was in use between 1941-1949 and 1954-1957.
There is an area to sit outside in the summer time.
In 2002, we turned back and again introduced summer time.
It is a popular site to visit during the summer times.
The summer time is very hot, reaching the low 100s.
Yes, I canoe a great deal in the summer time.
In the years 1922, 1923, 1925, 1930, 1933 and from 1967 to 1975 summer time was not applied.
During the summer time a tourist line with the number 0 or 10 is started.
It is a pretty regular wind, in the summer time.
At summer time the population of the area more than doubles.
I do a lot of working out in the summer time and it pays off.
Most people use a grill more in the summer time when it is hot outside.
The only thing I've got to look forward to now is the summer time."
In the summer time, we all need to conserve water.
The annual summer time, however, was only implemented in 1979.
Summer time at first of all is creativity, paint from the life.
This report and the Commission's proposal do not question the idea of summer time.
The renovation work started in late 2008 and finished around the early summer time.
Be nice to go up there in the summer time won't it?
You ought to be here in the summer time once."
He got two weekly visits and some summer time with me.
The resort hosts around 15,000 people in the summer time.
Below the falls, in the summer time, are some great swimming areas.
It is also a public camping ground, used in the summer time for various water sports.