It is not yet transactional but plans to add proper support for database transactions at some point in the future.
Atomicity (database systems), a property of database transactions which are guaranteed to either completely occur, or have no effects.
It relates to the isolation property of a database transaction.
A distributed transaction comprises more than one local sub-transactions that each has states as described above for a database transaction.
Much of the data is entered more than once in different computers using a keyboard rather than by file transfer or database transactions.
In most database management systems durable database transactions are supported through a log file.
Extra overhead is involved in order to determine the state of the database transactions.
Asynchronous means that when a database transaction has been committed to the master server, it is not yet guaranteed to be available in slaves.
A failing operation in a sequence makes the whole sequence fail, a form of database transaction.
It offers regular save points and logging of all database transaction since the last save point.