The two men watched the data display in silence.
The information is provided by the website, which uses public data to display the details in a clear format.
At last he finished, and let the data display fold back into itself, and disappear.
"Acting," said a chorus of voices, and data displays all over the ship came glowing back to active status.
Keiko took the scanner back from him and examined the data displayed on the small screen.
He leaned closer to better scrutinize the computer monitor, but the data displayed upon it did not change.
She studied the data displayed on two sides of a split screen.
Then the two screens went dark for a brief instant and returned to life with a new data display.
The captain took the tricorder and went over the data displayed on it.
The young woman coolly read out the small data display the sensor projected on the tablecloth.
His attention was focused on the data displays, in a concentration so intense that my presence didn't matter at all.
There were data displays, but now the simplest ones were twelve-color-capable.
He turned away to devote his attention to the control readings and data displays.
The control room of the communications center was a spacious dome whose curving walls were alight with colorful data displays.
She glanced at the shimmering holoscreens with their data displays, but her eyes slipped out of focus, then locked onto another vista.
Spock paused, his eyes on the data displays.
Shran circled the small control room, pretending to examine the data displays.
He could read none of the data displays.
Lisa, studying her data displays, said, "They're still engaged in combat with the first attack wave, sir.
The reports on the space battle were coming in faster on the data displays.