Others are poisonous (poison dart frog), and display warning colouration.
This rearing behavior makes harlequins among the most difficult poison dart frogs to raise in captivity.
Wild-caught dart frogs are often stressed, require more care, have a much higher fatality rate, and may also be toxic and dangerous to handle.
They are a popular rainforest vivarium subject, and are somewhat easier to feed than some other dart frogs.
Like the dart frogs, it is believed they ingest the toxin from a food source and then secrete it.
The blue dart frog is very popular in captivity.
One species of Colombian dart frog has inadvertently evolved a perfect red circle in the middle of its back.
Our dart frog is jet black with yellow spots.
Monstrously gigantic for even the largest species of dart frog.
P. bicolor is one of the largest poison dart frogs.