Nearly every business in the city was damaged to the extent that none were able to operate by the time the storm had cleared.
Even if the gate is damaged to the extent that it will take years to repair, that's still only a matter of a few days here.
Our ceramic-tile kitchen floor has been damaged to the extent that the dark brown grout is turning white from the saltwater.
It had been severely damaged by water and dirt, to the extent that it is unusable and will have to be replaced.
At least, only Orson was damaged to the extent that she received powerful imagery from him.
An earthquake rocked the city, damaging the building to the extent that the owner decided to close.
Again, driving carriages of both were damaged to the extent a hybrid set was temporarily formed.
Three men were injured and a truck damaged to the extent it had to be towed.
While it is unknown whether additional damage occurred due to the storm, the coaster was damaged to the extent that it could not run before Irene.
Biltz's tank fired on the two "females", damaging them to the extent that it left holes in the hull leaving the crew exposed.