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They were known for the high quality of their daguerreotypes.
In 1839, he was one of the first Swiss to use the daguerreotype.
There was one old daguerreotype, however, which arrested my attention.
We looked eagerly at the daguerreotypes in the old case.
Early photography in the form of daguerreotypes did not use film at all.
These can be distinguished from daguerreotypes by the image quality.
Even today, there is no other photographic image like a daguerreotype.
In 1842, however, he began working with the newly invented daguerreotype.
Mirror image: the influence of the daguerreotype on American society.
Daguerreotypes are such a rich foundation of photography's early history.
Many of them have been printed on metal, as 2 in. square daguerreotypes.
The Daguerreotype will be able to repay almost endless attention.
She would never be that tragic child again who had showed the daguerreotypes to me the first evening.
The government would then present the daguerreotype process "free to the world" as a gift, which it did on August 19, 1839.
But you can see where it comes from when you look at daguerreotypes.
Comparing daguerreotype images to the more recent pieces show a world of difference.
It is now a very common error for any image in such a case to be described as "a Daguerreotype".
In many cases, however, the fascinating quality of daguerreotypes is due to their mystery.
Washington is best known for a famous daguerreotype of John Brown.
The surviving Daguerreotypes attributed to him are largely the works of others.
Daguerreotypes were usually fit into cases for protection and ranged in size.
A deal was made to use that daguerreotype, which actually shows a surgical clamp.
In the next two decades, before paper photography arrived, millions of daguerreotypes were made.
To pay his bills, he began to make daguerreotypes.
Another reason daguerreotypes became less popular was because of their extreme fragility.