Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The concept envisages adding the records gathered in the national criminal dactyloscopic registers to the EURODAC database and providing Europol, Eurojust and national police authorities with access to the so enriched base.
This is an instrument of major importance that will significantly strengthen police cooperation between the Member States by enabling them to take more effective action to combat terrorism and cross-border crime, for example by facilitating the exchange of the DNA profiles and dactyloscopic data of wanted persons.
Thanks to the exchange of such information as DNA profiles, dactyloscopic data and national vehicle registration data, and thanks to broader police and court cooperation, we can ensure that criminals and terrorists do not feel safe in any of the EU Member States, or indeed outside them.
I would like to congratulate Germany on its initiative, which consists of ensuring that Member States observe the common technical specifications in connection with all requests and answers related to searches and comparisons of DNA profiles, dactyloscopic data (fingerprint images, palm prints, etc.) and vehicle registration data.