The transit time to the United States is 22 days.
Also, delivery to beyond points or remote areas will almost always add days to the transit time.
Proposed transit time was 2.5 hours for the 17 miles distance.
The transit time from London to the field was 13-20 days.
By the morning of the second day they had cut the transit time down to seven and a half minutes.
Host factors such as transit time may also play a part.
Maughan's total transit time was 20 hours and 48 minutes.
Choppy experience, but transit time is not much over an hour on a good day, and it's possible to read the paper.
And it probably would shave no more than a day or two off its total transit time, anyway.
With more than an hour's transit time for messages, there was no hope of a normal conversation.
It was 18 minutes long, a considerable run time for the day.
A short film, with a run time of only 29 minutes.
The sketch has a run time just over two minutes.
Thus the addition to a given run time will not be significant.
They start at about $40, with longer run times available.
It is possible to measure run times between break points.
The piece has a run time of approximately 22 minutes.
These changes increased the run time of the film by two minutes.
The run time of this adoption type is not very long.
That in turn made it difficult to reason about the program at run time.
This is despite the average processing time of 4 minutes and 55 seconds in the court.
The processing time required is usually much more of a problem.
This can take 6 months or longer (current processing times as at January 2009 are up to a year according to the web site).
By the summer of 1989 overall processing time took 70 - 80 days.
The processing time is about the same as with paper.
The main difference between the two are in the processing times.
This reduced the processing time to two and a half years.
The study did report that the processing time for arms cases increased starting in 2003.
The idea is to make food available and edible long after the processing time.
One of the new plans is to reduce the processing times and it shows a significant reduction in the wait time.