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Patients usually present with the skin eruption 1-2 weeks after use of the cytotoxic drug.
Supervised clinical training is provided in cytotoxic drug treatment and radiation therapy.
The other is via the administration of cytotoxic drugs, to travel through the bloodstream and attack the cancer cells.
Thus, it is used judiciously and handled as a cytotoxic drug in the clinical setting.
Advances in cytotoxic drugs, pharmacogenetics and targeted drug design show promise.
As such, they can be used to treat post-operative and cytotoxic drug nausea & vomiting.
Clinical trials using radiosensitizers or cytotoxic drugs are appropriate.
They are used throughout industry, from orange juice filling lines to cytotoxic drug compounding to electronics manufacturing.
Technology Insight: cytotoxic drug immunoconjugates for cancer therapy.
Most side effects come from cytotoxic drugs, because they affect healthy cells as well as cancer cells.
Some cytotoxic drugs work by damaging the cells' DNA.
Patients were excluded if they had taken ulcer healing agents, antibiotics, or cytotoxic drugs within one week of endoscopy.
They are particularly important in treating the nausea and vomiting that occur during anticancer chemotherapy using cytotoxic drugs.
Bertelli G. Prevention and management of extravasation of cytotoxic drugs.
Cytotoxic drugs administered during chemotherapy target cells with fast turnovers such as malignant cells.
It has also been linked to a cytotoxic drug mertansine to form bivatuzumab mertansine.
Another study in 1999 noted an increased risk of developing leukemia when taking large doses of 6-MP with other cytotoxic drugs.
Anecdotal reports suggest that FA is rarely highly sensitive to cytotoxic drugs or radiation.
Traditionally, as for all cytotoxic drugs, the manufacturer advises not to breastfeed whilst taking azathioprine.
In some cases, cytotoxic drugs can induce a brief remission, and even corticosteroids alone can give the cat 3-5 more months of good quality life.
Cytotoxic drugs inhibit the immune response by killing dividing cells such as activated T cells.
Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy frequently report changes in their sense of taste, specifically a bitter taste sensation during administration of the cytotoxic drugs.
Melanosomal sequestration of cytotoxic drugs contributes to the intractability of malignant melanomas.
Measure apoptosis of tumor cells in response to cytotoxic drugs (breast, prostate and other forms of carcinomas).
The offending drug leading to acral erythema as an adverse drug reaction usually is a cytotoxic drug.