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It is also the largest land customs station in Asia.
The building of a customs station and a border stone remained.
The crossing has a 24-hour customs station managing the border.
"Will we have to stop at that customs station?"
Behind him, a loud Portuguese family aimed for the customs station.
A new international customs station was completed in 2008.
The dirt road that crosses the border used to have a customs station.
Later in 1996, it was declared by the government a full-fledged customs station.
The customs station was in what is now the inner city district of Lindenau.
Visitors must pass through one of these customs stations after exiting the park.
The village grew around a medieval ferry dock and customs station, which was first mentioned in 1268.
The passengers get off less than 10 minutes later on the banks of Mexico, and never pass a single checkpoint or customs station.
Will be implemented across Pakistan at all customs stations including sea, air and dry ports.
I noticed that the line of vehicles stretched for over a hundred yards at the immigration and customs station.
There's no real fleet base here in Walther, but they do maintain a small customs station.
Their boldness is evident even at the customs station.
There was something official-sounding about the tall man's words, as though this were some kind of boundary, a customs station, perhaps.
It reached the U.S. customs station early in the afternoon.
To be accompanied by salt water census customs station manager of Tvrdosin.
They stopped at the Mexican customs station and, after apparently being denied entry, drove back across the bridge.
Within the town is a hospital, two churches, an agricultural school, a government secondary school, and a customs station.
They were used mainly as customs stations and daymarks.
In 1981 the community had a population of 2, living in trailers behind the customs station, and averaged three people entering per day.
It also served as a customs station.
They had gone no more than a league when they came to the whitewashed building that housed the customs station.