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The prices do not include departure taxes or Customs fees.
Can I include customs fees with my other deductible taxes?
Right to not pay customs fee for merchandise sold at local markets.
Republicans said the measure would be paid for through customs fees and other tax increases in the overall bill.
Customs fees were due in British pounds and they only accepted cash.
By contrast, customs fees on arriving international passengers raised $180 million last year, he said.
Western officials estimate that the federation will collect about $160 million less than it should in customs fees this year.
Also the states began to get back their own debased coins in taxes and customs fees.
Other small incomes came from customs fees and fines.
And, seemingly by magic, they dramatically lower customs fees.
These international treaties allow for the free circulation of educational, scientific, and cultural materials without customs fees.
The $752 million will come from unspent portions of a fund generated through customs fees.
The European goods would flow into Turkey without any customs fee.
The reform also constituted changes in customs fees (tariffs).
They had not established customs fees over coal.
The Senate bill is projected to pay for itself with increased customs fees and would not come at a cost to the Treasury.
The Commission cannot agree with Amendments 23 and 25 relating to customs fees.
But by midday on Thursday, no one had come to claim the props or pay the storage and customs fees.
There is a small customs fee for art leaving Vietnam, but that is included in the shipping price.
The Senate bill would cost the treasury nothing, paying for its $10 billion cost by raising customs fees the same amount.
House Republican leaders, however, have rejected the Senate's idea of paying for the credits with increases in customs fees.
In addition, Nebiolo said today, Mercedes would pay shipping and customs fees.
An unusual feature of the building is the eight 19th-century jail cells in the basement, where people who couldn't pay customs fees were incarcerated.
Besides shipping costs, customs fees are likely to be high, and returning items may be difficult or expensive.
The provisions of Law No. 5 attempt to lower the tax and customs fee burden on qualifying companies.