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Play on people's need to believe to create a cultlike following.
Skyline Chili has a cultlike following devoted to its version.
Investors often develop a cultlike devotion to one investment guru or another.
The movement was labeled as a "cult" or "cultlike" by some former members and newspapers.
The white teachers at his son's preschool "with their cultlike grins of welcome to every dark face, bring out the worst in me," he says.
Take heart in the fact that none of the following could ever produce nasty, addictive, cultlike behavior patterns - well, maybe just a little.
His cultlike popularity led to a proliferation of imitation Ryders even before he died.
He attracted a nearly cultlike following as he moved from hospital to hospital.
Auriemma has more of a cultlike following than Calhoun.
That personal touch has given Sam's a cultlike following, and has helped turn at least one of its members into a supplier.
For most, entry into this cultlike cross between self-help group and locker room begins on the Internet.
The musical developed an almost cultlike following among segments of the audience, but received mixed reviews and did not make it to Broadway.
There has been, of course, a lot of war and history since then, but the Marines have always inspired a cultlike devotion among their members.
Services is kind and gracious but cultlike at times, with a tendency to talk reverentially about what "Chef" has done.
French described the situation as "cultlike" and a visiting friend said "the environment in that house was positively Manson-esque."
These bands' albums have already achieved almost cultlike status as indie rock classics for the 1990's.
With little marketing or promotion, the Aibo robot garnered a cultlike following around the world.
Though many Israelis abhor violence, this group is reaching almost a cultlike status among the young and old alike."
Created to provide subsidized meals to low-level government workers, the cafeteria had found a cultlike following among the city's law enforcement crowd.
What both shows had in common was the cultlike devotion they inspired among their (mostly young, mostly male) viewers.
Over the years this British-born conductor has inspired an almost cultlike following in the Boston area.
They entice viewers with the appeal: it could happen to you, if you'll only give into this cultlike retro fantasy.
He won a cultlike following for his interpretations, especially of Brahms and Bruckner.
He said the Web sites created a cultlike atmosphere that "almost fits neatly into the eating disorder mentality itself."
Often imitated, Mad artists had the distinction of having their work widely consumed while also inspiring a cultlike following.