The cloud point is the temperature at which these crystals first appear.
Their crystals appeared faintly in her lattice, a perfect formation of three by four.
Before the crystals appeared, Reston was surrounded by farmland, and it still contains meadows.
The Emperor, bright purple with fury, reached out-and a yellow crystal appeared in his hand.
In places the crystals appear to be lined up, probably because the gooey magma was still moving around when they were growing.
En route, a red crystal appears before him; Anna is inside.
In general, yellow crystals appear to trigger releases of energy from other crystals.
The crystals growing in their hollow cavities appeared for the most part to be a poor grade of amethyst.
The china and crystal appeared almost at once, with an extra plate and bowl for Mischa.
The crystals grow, attach to one other and appear to be floating rafts of a white, opaque material.