As his feet hit the ground, the others in the group crouched slightly, walking with knees bent beneath their robes.
And that could only be done when the human was crouching slightly.
Dan crouched slightly behind the command chair and peered through the window.
He simply crouched slightly, and brought the pistol up in both hands.
He slipped out into the aisle and, crouching slightly, began hurrying down toward the front.
The six machines, which had been standing slightly crouched, snapped to attention.
Without thinking, he backed up, crouching slightly as if seeking a better position for attack.
Crouching slightly, he stared through the windows of cars parked up and down the side street.
He crouched slightly, ready to spring into the deeper shadows around him if he had to.
Crouching slightly, he aimed the camera and shot two more frames.