He traced a finger over the tabletop in a crosshatch pattern.
Cut through fruit in a crosshatch pattern, then slice down against stone so cubes of mango fall into a bowl.
After about a minute, he gives the fillet a quarter turn to create an attractive crosshatch pattern.
Scarlet blankets the bed in a crosshatch pattern created by a theatrical framing projector.
There was a crosshatch pattern of the smaller service tunnels running from these lines north toward the vault.
Press again, with the prongs at right angles to the mark already made on the cookies, making a crosshatch pattern.
All Novas got a crosshatch pattern that filled the deck lid trim panel.
During weaving, (thick) reinforcement threads are interwoven at regular intervals in a crosshatch pattern.
It is easily distinguished by its noticeable crosshatch patterns.
Score the duck skin in a crosshatch pattern with a sharp knife.