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They are also involved in the production of cross-reactive antibodies.
Additionally, some cross-reactive protection against virus strains 45 and 31 were shown in clinical trials.
Finally, cross-reactive allergens have been identified among certain foods and airborne pollens.
During their research, they found that the levels of these cross-reactive T cells are significantly elevated in multiple sclerosis patients.
Skin testing is often useful to identify potentially cross-reactive compounds and appropriate therapeutic alternatives.
However, some antibodies found in antiserum are cross-reactive.
The production of such cross-reactive but non-neutralizing antibodies could be the reason for more severe secondary infections.
In those who react to latex it may be important to avoid cross-reactive foods such as avocados, bananas, and potatoes among others.
It is believed that these children experience a rise in dopamine levels as a result of a of cross-reactive anti-neuronal antibodies.
A cross-reactive immune response which interferes with cholinergic transmission in the eccrine glands.
Epitopes are sometimes cross-reactive.
Autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis recognizing an epitope of citrullinated peptides are cross-reactive with filaggrin.
As a result, age-specific antibody concentration data for any given serotype are "contaminated," to a greater or lesser degree, by cross-reactive antibodies with other specificties.
Some groups have cross-reactive gag antigens (e.g., the ovine, caprine and feline lentiviruses).
Antibodies produced by the immune system can be cross-reactive and may bind to both H.pylori antigens and those found in the gastric mucosa.
The E2 protein is the site of most neutralizing epitopes, while the E1 protein contains more conserved, cross-reactive epitopes.
This can be resolved by absorption of these antibodies with their cross-reactive antigen, leaving only the antibodies that are specific to the immunogen of interest.
It is thought to occur when weakly cross-reactive antibodies form bridging complexes to facilitate uptake and replication of related but non-identical variants.
In addition, cross-reactive anti-beef-collagen antibodies (IgG) may explain some rheumatoid arthritis (RA) incidences.
Neutralizing heterotypic (cross-reactive) IgG antibodies are responsible for this cross-protective immunity, which typically persists for a period of several months to a few years.
This result suggests that priming with the variant enzyme can induce higher levels of cross-reactive IgG antibodies than immunization with the unmodified variant alone.
Early on in the development of this hypothesis (2002), Italian researchers used the HHV-6a variant along with bovine myelin basic protein to generate cross-reactive T cell lines.
These allergens appear to be cross-reactive across many species of Culicoides - i.e. many different varieties of midges produce similar allergens, giving the same effects upon horses.
Nov. 7, 2011 - Some people with cat allergies may also be allergic to pork and other meats because of a rare type of cross-reactive allergy known as pork-cat syndrome.
While many allergies are specific to one NSAID, up to 1 in 5 people may have unpredictable cross-reactive allergic responses to other NSAIDs as well.