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It is a good example of the push model of Crossmedia.
The editorial staffs consist of students who study minor 'Crossmedia Communications'.
Some context to the "crossmedia field"
For Rabobank Stoneroos has created the crossmedia concept De Bouwkeet.
The products include: Storefront, Digital Asset Management and Crossmedia.
It was created in 2002 by journalist Alberto Luchetti Neto, becoming Brazil's first crossmedia channel.
The crossmedia/transmedia project "The 2 Queens", developed as feature films as well as a drama television series, is the studio's latest work.
Mr. Hamel, of CrossMedia, said he was doing research using offline shoppers to persuade retailers that their online advertising dollars increase store sales.
Crossmedia Production- 3-year Bachelor of Arts program and 2-year Master of Arts program.
Under the new ownership, CrossMedia in August created ShopLocal, a site with features similar to SalesHound.
ZiZone is a crossmedia service originally started in September 2006 by Dutch cable provider @Home (which later merged into Ziggo).
BFM offers hands-on university degree courses in Film Arts, Crossmedia Production, and Audiovisual Media.
Because its parent company, CrossMedia Services, helps retailers digitize their weekly sales circulars, ShopLocal has access to sales that some other sites miss.
Good crossmedia communication will enhance the value of communication: The level and depth of (message) involvement will be more personal and therefore more relevant and powerful.
With the additional exposure on sites like ChicagoTribune.com and LATimes.com, more merchants are interested in getting involved, said Dave Hamel, CrossMedia's chief marketing officer.
Earlier this year, Gannett, Knight Ridder and Tribune bought CrossMedia Services, a Chicago company that helps retailers put their sales circulars online.
Prior to working on Highrise, Cizek directed an NFB crossmedia documentary project about life inside Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital.
NET based; See the CrossMedia Finder of AXMEDIS as example [1].
The Crossmedia programs are taught in English in a multicultural and creative environment where the students are surrounded by their colleagues and an internationally recognized teaching staff from many different countries.
The venture investors in Crossmedia Services were Trident Capital, Gabriel Venture Partners and River Cites Capital.
Best Pitch at The Bips (Best International Project Showcase) in the Crossmedia section at Sunny Side of the Doc 2010.
And Addis in Berkeley, Calif., is opening a Los Angeles interactive creative unit called TBD CrossMedia focusing on the entertainment and media industries.
Creative Event, to be renamed CrossMediaCEM, will operate as a unit of a Golin/Harris subsidiary, CrossMedia Golin/Harris.
O'Neill held several design positions in California including, but not limiting to EXPN, Phyla CrossMedia, Syrup Design, Sapient and Walt Disney.
With the current version 9 QuarkXPress extended its crossmedia publishing approach and can be used now to also export to eBooks (ePub3 and Blio) and native apps (for the iPad).