The 896 page book has over 5,000 illustrations and a large index enabling one to cross reference with ease.
Without Punic records to cross reference, these remain mere supposition.
Further, electronic media offer previously unimaginable capabilities for search, indexing and cross reference.
They also have the option to use multiple memory cards to import their own monsters and cross reference new high scores between saved data files.
Outstanding scholarly treatment with broad coverage and cross references (internal and external).
Create tables of contents, indexes, and cross references.
You don't believe it, check out the Leafs record for the last 40 years and cross reference that to their attendance figures....
There is a section explaining how to use the Banglapedia, which clarifies issues such as date systems, contributors, cross references, and headings.
These records should enable the charity to cross reference any of the specified transactions with those donors or persons connected with them.
Texinfo enables structuring a document like a book with chapters, sections, cross references and indices.