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Stefano first entered the show as an organized crime kingpin.
The crime kingpin at the housing project is the most clichéd of the otherwise well-drawn secondary characters.
In his dying breaths, the crime kingpin told Stanton his daughter was still alive, although held captive by another villain.
With his enemies vanquished, Tommy establishes himself as the undisputed crime kingpin of Vice City.
It turns out she is the mistress of Mee, a local crime kingpin, and Tao paid her for a one-time deal to sleep with his friend.
It turns out Robbie is not a widow at all but the showgirl ex-wife of the crime kingpin, Phil Dixon, and still working for him.
A Tuscaloosa crime kingpin suddenly got documented proof that a colleague, the man with whom he had split up Alabama's crime, was planning a takeover.
The player controls either Max Force or Hit Man, who are mowing down junkies, drug dealers and organized crime kingpins.
The .45-caliber pistol was the rage with all the high-level crime kingpins in East L.A.
Lorne Greene makes a first-rate crime kingpin and Katherine Anderson is a sound, appealing matron."
A Day Without Sunshine (Atheneum, 1985), about an English crime kingpin who attempts to monopolize the wine industry.
Ulrich Thomsen as Kai Proctor: A crime kingpin and businessman in Banshee.
Mario Malone-Owner of Big Time Records and secretly the top crime kingpin in Terminus City.
ELDORADO RED (1974) A crime kingpin is betrayed by his son.
Gangs with ties to the Armenian organized crime kingpins also exist abroad, such as the Armenian Power in Los Angeles.
During one of the stakeouts, a mysterious crime kingpin known as Victor (Vittorio Gassman) comes to Dominoe's apartment.
A Sikh police inspector in Mumbai tracks down a crime kingpin in this vast novel by the author of "Love and Longing in Bombay."
The first violence against her occurred in October 1994, when two shots were fired into her home after her story on murdered crime kingpin Martin Cahill was published.
A ruthless criminal who wants to become the crime kingpin of Gotham City, Croc works behind the scenes using methods like sniping to eliminate his criminal competitors.
He and his staff convicted nearly 30 state and local officials and crime kingpins, including the head of Pittsburgh's numbers rackets, a member of the governor's cabinet and a state senator.
The group rode out on their Rexmobile to battle "Big Boss" Graves, crime kingpin of Rep City (the show's setting), and his evil organization, The Corporation.
But the police quickly dismissed that possibility after discovering that one of the wounded was Zeev Rosenstein, often described by the Israeli news media as the country's organized crime kingpin.
His testimony against crime kingpin Lou Janero puts the mobster in prison and Callahan on the cover of a San Francisco magazine as the city's ace crime fighter.
In Boston, for example, the field office got so turned around in its investigation of the local mob that it ended up helping an organized crime kingpin run his empire while shielding him from outside investigation.
He is a clear allusion to Arnold Rothstein, a New York crime kingpin who was notoriously blamed for the Black Sox Scandal which tainted the 1919 World Series.