In his short life, Night-Dawn had seen no creatures save fish, krill, algae and humans.
There was no creature in the room save himself . . . And the bell.
The smallest creatures that "God in His wisdom had put upon this Earth" have saved mankind from extinction.
It seemed the least he could do since the creature had saved him that day on the beach when he had been overcome by his illness.
A very intelligent creature, Darwin saved Bridger from bacterial infection by diving at him, knocking him away from an infectious sample container.
But little did we know that these fuzzy, camel-like creatures might save us all should the End come in the form of a biological attack.
She closed her eyes against the warm fur, remembering how the little creature had saved her, thinking it was a miracle that any of them were still alive.
And that, somehow, Lara believed that this creature could save her child.
Still, he kept the handle in hand, preferring to trust no creature save himself.
But at least this creature must have saved me from what prowled the mounds.