James left, feeling a flutter in his lower abdomen, as if a creature inside him were fighting to get free.
The creature would either hide until things calmed down or fight its way off the colony.
It seems such a pity that God's creatures should fight with each other.
Nothing was to be tampered with once they were inside, because the creature considered the castle its own and would fight to protect it.
The duel was joined, and the territorial creatures would fight in their own way.
Only a few creatures stand and fight against the Sorceress' rule.
This raised creature will follow and fight to the death for Alleron.
The player's creatures can either fight, run away from battle, or cast a magic spell.
He considered Brazil and the cause for which all these creatures from so many hexes were fighting.
The purple creature fought the heat, then dropped to the earth, leaving an ugly mark on the main's leg.