When the traversers deserted their nests, other creatures built there, other plants grew, spreading their bright colours to the sky.
The Cast-iron Man: A robotic creature built by Scowleyow to destroy the Mo people.
The physical model used was the most beautiful woman of the day: a green-eyed, red-haired, ideally proportioned creature obviously built by nature for love.
In alcoves along the way were statues of creatures apparently built of all the bits God had left over.
Each was an organic creature built around a solid-fuel skeleton.
He fought with false zombies, creatures built from corpses by mad scientists, and a leprechaun who had allowed Kelly's mother the financial opportunity to visit her in Boston.
Humans are sturdy creatures built to withstand regular disruption.
The swifter creatures built for open terrain prospered, while the slower forest species perished.
It looked liked a creature built to move smoothly through water or to slide down tight tunnels.
It moved like a tiger, as nearly as could a creature built on this planet's lines.