Last September, a crane in Rahway dropped a beam on electrical wires and disrupted travel between New York and Washington for five hours.
The entire structure, in fact, was assembled using remote-controlled cranes and giant military helicopters to drop metal beams, sand and concrete on the wrecked reactor.
The engine ended up not firing due to timing issues, and Jesse brought it to a construction site where a crane dropped a large metal box on it.
In 1976, a crane accidentally dropped The Rescue while moving it to a new Smithsonian storage area in Maryland, thus reducing it to several fragments.
A crane drops massive rotary tables, X-Y tables, etc., into position for machining, allowing large and complex custom milling operations.
A delay occurred during the construction of the second bridge when a crane dropped a section of it into the river and it had to be rebuilt.
They never expected that the crane would drop the car on the conveyor belt.
Whenever I suited up and the crane dropped me into the drink, I thought I was a medieval knight being hoisted onto my white charger.
Eyewitnesses said that the crane dropped floor by floor during a two to three minute period and finally toppled over as it hit the ground in a cloud of dust.
Workers began to prepare the buildings for renovation in September, and a crane dropped the first factory-built units into place on Nov. 10.