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But a few stood out for their brilliant Brazilian art and craftwork.
We'll also explore how the American economy changed as people moved from farm or craftwork to production line work.
There are also rotating exhibitions of art and craftwork from all over the world.
His work, intensely developed as a craftwork, has been awarded several times.
The economy is mostly based on agriculture, with some craftwork and industrial production.
Exhibitions including local craftwork will be on display in the exhibition area.
Nuuk is a good place for buying high quality art and craftwork.
Just east of Cannes are two towns renowned for their craftwork.
Over the last 25 years, the gallery has become established as a national centre for contemporary craftwork.
Native craftwork of this quality would fetch a small ransom in Rome.
The modern art museums shy away because they call it artisan craftwork.
The local museum displays original pieces of this craftwork.
Agriculture was the main occupation, although craftwork had begun to grow in importance.
They were often, in addition to craftwork, the repository of oral traditions and poetry.
Examples of the prisoners' craftwork were sold to visitors and passers by.
A separate cottage gallery continued to exhibit and sell Australian craftwork.
Other club activities include craftwork, and exercises in writing and memory recall.
There are regular temporary exhibitions of craftwork, paintings, photography, and prints.
There, members show their animals and their craftwork.
This division of labor in craftwork is unusual in aboriginal peoples.
Occasionally you'll spot some genuinely fascinating and/or unique arts and craftwork.
But more determined art criminals posing as tourists helped themselves to ornate craftwork from the chapel.
She is known for making craftwork.
The craftwork programme has a particular focus.
Sell them, they get ridden and eaten, and the hides end up back here for craftwork.