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Show and sale of works in all media by 150 craftspeople.
This development project has helped several great craftspeople and designers along the way.
A guild is an association of craftspeople in a particular trade.
The job has taken a retinue of some 50 craftspeople.
It is a place of business for many small farmers, craftspeople and merchants.
It was designed to be a summer retreat for artists and craftspeople.
There is an education program which trains professional development for artists and craftspeople.
"Mary Black did not try to direct the efforts of craftspeople.
This is usually the case for trade and craftspeople.
"I'm about doing what the historic craftspeople who trained these plants did," he said.
Although the craftspeople are not supported by the local government, they have strong contacts with state and federal authorities.
Products from local artists, musicians and craftspeople are available in area stores.
Skilled craftspeople perfected the art of making one particular product.
Germany has high standards in the education of craftspeople.
Find architects and craftspeople who are genuinely excited by your project.
One of the local craftspeople must have restored it.
The largest group of German immigrants in any given time period were the skilled craftspeople.
The craftspeople had been for the most part illiterate and looked down upon by the educated classes.
The aims remain the same, to help craftspeople in Britain to earn a living from their work.
Sid and Pat invited other craftspeople to work alongside them.
At all of the outlets described here, you can watch craftspeople at work.
The center sells works by some 50 Northeastern craftspeople and holds special exhibits in the summer.
Quality and prices are top end, and well worth a look as you can watch local craftspeople at work on site.
All profits go back to the craftspeople and to the nature-reserve projects.
The craftspeople double as sales staff, so you may get to meet the creative force behind your souvenir.