Inside his Sick, Twisted World," read the cover headline.
Meanwhile, his paper is growing, and with much fanfare; several times, the cover headline has simply reported that the newspaper has more pages than ever before.
What about Toney qualifies him to be "the man of the house" as you say in your cover headline?
"Dad: We know who did it," read the cover headline on the article, based in part on quotations from "a source close to the couple."
The cover headline misspells the Senator's first name as Jessie.
Sports Illustrated reflected this particular opinion with the cover headline "Strike!
He also contributed cover headlines such as "Now even more superficial/Over 100 pages of hype & lies" and "Absolute sell out".
Here is a sampling of current cover headlines: "Back Off!
"The Maharajah's Garden," reads the cover headline in this week's issue of Veja magazine.
The simultaneous existence of such different frames can have social and political consequences, which brings us back to the cover headline for the Magazine on May 29.