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But by the end of the court day, she has nothing left to give.
Each year in December, a special court day was held for these holdings.
You know, the place we go to eat on our court days."
Nearly 60 court days have been lost this way.
He has been granted 150 court days for his defense, which at best would leave room for about 300 people.
What made it worse was that this was a court day.
A few court days were without jury and without Jackson.
The court day was abbreviated by a shortage of witnesses.
"A man she has known since our courting days in Tokyo.
"You have a right to a preliminary hearing on the charges within ten court days.
For the first time since courting days it was primal male/female.
She was the girl of his courting days, from whose front porch he'd walk home on the rainbow.
Made her wonder if Leah might not be looking ahead to courting days and marriage here before too much longer.
Already, the court days are longer, with legal motions confined to after court.
He was here five days because the judge was away and she got here court day.
The 65 or so who remained, identified only by numbers, became the pool from which the 12 jurors were chosen over eight court days.
The dramatic exchange came on what could be one of the last full-length court days in the Simpson trial.
Back in his courting days, nobody had owned a phonograph, either.
In their courting days, he'd given her flowers, small gifts, little poems.
Mr. Simpson's lawyers now say they can complete their case in a dozen more court days.
He chose the date ten court days away and ordered a preliminary hearing in Division 110.
His performance kept his streak of excellence on court days intact.
The urgent need of a wife became clear to him one morning when he was dressing to ride to town for Court Day.
In our courting days she was red hot.
Authorities have two court days to bring arraignments in juvenile court, he said.