Neither the sheriff nor the county taxpayers, however, had a penny invested in the $10,000 car.
This translates into $230 a year in added taxes for each county taxpayer, he said.
I think our county taxpayers have had enough," he said.
"I give credit to the county taxpayers, because they footed the bill," he said in an interview.
So what do county taxpayers get for their historical nickel?
State lawmakers get the credit for the laws they pass but county taxpayers have to foot the bill.
But it will cost county taxpayers about $240 million when borrowing costs on 25-year bonds are included, Democrats who opposed the plan said.
The officials receive $149,000 to $171,000 a year, all paid by county taxpayers.
It is only fair to return to county taxpayers the billions that they paid.
Another dispute flared over the effect of the proposed 1988 budget on county taxpayers.