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As for country and western music, I listen to just about anything.
The only other words that had a similar effect on him were "country and western music."
Yes, I'm thinking of giving this one to a country and western group, actually.
Many country and western stars have played there over the years.
I decided to use the piece to learn more about country and western music than I'd ever been willing to before.
So is he becoming a country and western music fan, too?
He then liked the rhythms of country and western music.
Was there someone in Joe's past who had preferred country and western?
"The two in the back liked country and western music.
"My father was a lover of country and western," he said.
As the name suggests, it is most often danced to country and western music.
I was really trying to make a country and western album."
There's even some country and western music I like.
The song was geared towards the country and western market.
Marvin, who loved country and western music, took no offense.
The single reached no. 10 on the Billboard country and western chart in 1956.
A wide array of music was performed, from country and western to rock.
His best sentences sound like lyrics to country and western songs.
A nephew was ready to take his country and western band on the road with Eddie.
"Country and Western can be a prescription for trouble among people with little self-control."
Since crossing over to country and western, he had released an average of one album every eight months.
It is played in a country and western style.
The decor of the country and western bar is still evident in the club today.
But I don't go much for country and western.
The music, a little too loud, sounds like country and western sung in Italian.